

TDG Training FAQs

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General TDG Questions:

What is the purpose of the TDG Regulations?

The purpose of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Regulations is to promote public safety when dangerous goods are being handled, offered for transport or transported.

The Regulations are a set of rules that prescribe safety standards and shipping requirements for thousands of different dangerous goods. The Regulations also provide a means of communicating the nature and level of danger associated with chemicals.

The TDG 'Clear Language' Regulations came into effect on August 15, 2002. These regulations replaced the old regulations that were developed in the early 1980s. This legislation is applicable to all modes of transport (i.e. road, rail, marine and air) in Canada.

What Acts or Regulations are applicable to TDG?

The following set of Regulations is applicable: Transport Canada - Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

Who needs TDG training?

According to the TDG Regulations, anybody who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods requires TDG training.

Who is responsible for TDG training and TDG education?

The onus is on the employer to ensure that his or her staff is properly trained.

The responsibility to ensure workers are trained and the manner in which training is conducted rests with the employer.

YOW Canada’s TDG courses are one method of training and, in most cases, additional site-specific training is required.

How often do I need TDG training?

The short answer is 3 years because a TDG training certificate is valid for only 36 months, or 3 years.

However, certificates are also not transferable. This means that if a trainee changes employers, they will need to be re-certified by the new employer and possess a training certificate with the new employer's name, address etc.

Please visit: for more details on training.

If I change employers/jobs, do I have to retrain?

The onus is on the employer to ensure that his or her staff is properly trained for the job. Because you can never be too sure of previous training, it's recommended that new employees take a TDG course, including site-specific training.

Can I take this course as an individual?

Absolutely! If you are taking this course as an individual, simply enter your name in the area for "Company Name".

Can I take one of YOW's TDG courses and then train my own workers?

YOW Canada's TDG course is not intended or designed for trainers and we do not recommend that it be used to train a trainer. In order to reap the full benefits of this course we recommend that each trainee complete a TDG course themselves. This also ensures that each employee receives a TDG certificate.

Who signs my certificate?

The “employer” signature should be signed by the direct supervisor of the employee. The “employee” signature should be signed by the actual trainee. If you are self-employed you must sign as both the “employee” and the “employer”.

How long is my TDG certificate valid for?

A TDG certificate is valid for 3 years.

Where do I keep my certificate?

A TDG certificate is required to be kept on the individual when they are working.

Most people keep it in their wallets.

If a Transport Canada inspector requests to see your TDG certificate while you are working, you are required to show it to them.

What happens if I do not have a valid TDG certificate?

If you do not have a valid TDG 'Clear Language' certificate, you are in violation of the regulations.

Non-compliance of transporting dangerous goods is usually identified through inspections carried out on the highway.

Convictions generally produce fines ranging from $3,000 to $7,000 for a first time offence.

I received my TDG certificate from YOW Canada. Why is the last item not checked off with the "x"?

The last item on your TDG certificate is "The Proper Use of Equipment Used to Handle or Transport Dangerous Goods".

This is not checked off because this aspect of the training should be done apart from the TDG online course, by your employer.

Do YOW Canada's TDG courses meet Transport Canada's training requirements?

Yes, all of our TDG online courses meet Transport Canada's training requirements for general TDG training.

The courses were designed and reviewed by regulatory specialists in order to make sure that each trainee gets the adequate training they require.

YOW Canada is also listed as a provider of TDG training on Transport Canada's website at: under Training - Transportation.

Please note that YOW Canada's TDG Online Courses cover the regulations only for ground shipments within Canada.

What is the difference between the 3 TDG courses offered?

YOW Canada offers three TDG Online courses which cover the various job responsibilities for TDG:

  • TDG For Drivers
  • TDG For Shippers & Receivers
  • TDG For All Workers

The "TDG for All Workers" course is a combination of the Drivers and the Shippers & Receivers courses and therefore covers all responsibilities.

TDG Online Training:

How does the TDG online course work?

YOW Canada's TDG online course works in a 3 step process:

Step 1 - Register:

Once the courses have been purchased all trainees must be registered for the course. Registration is done online through the Training Administration page. You can also contact YOW Canada by phone at 1-866-688-2845, email or by fax to have us register your trainees. Once registered, login and password information is emailed to the administrator.

Step 2 - Take the Course:

Trainees can log in at any time to start their training and can log in and out as many times as necessary to complete their training. The course is about 4.5 hours in length. It includes audio, video, animation and interactive exercises. It makes training fun and educational!

Step 3 - Print your Certificate:

Once completed, the wallet and wall-mount certificates are emailed to the administrator. The certificates are printable and accompanied by a Performance Record that displays how the trainee performed throughout the course (scores for each chapter etc.).

Is this training bilingual?

Yes. Available in English or in French, YOW’s TDG training program allows trainees to choose their preferred language when they log in.

Learn more about our TDG French Online Course (TMD) .

How long does it take to complete the online course?

The average trainee can complete this TDG online course in about 4.5 hour(s).

Can I log into the course more than once?

Yes, you can log in and out of the course as many times as necessary in order to complete your training. When you log back into the course, you will be brought back to your last visited page. You have up to 1 year to complete your course.

Do I have to complete the course in one session?

No, you may log in and out as many times as necessary to complete your course. Your work will be saved.

What will I receive when I have completed my training?

Once you complete the course, a pdf document will be available for you to download and print. This document is also emailed to the Training Administrator. This document will include your Performance Record and certificate. The certificate includes your name, your employer's name and the date you certified.

How will I receive my training certificate?

The certificate will be automatically available for printing once you complete the course. It will also be emailed to the Training Administrator. If you are self-employed, the certificate is sent to your email address directly.

How long have YOW Canada's TDG courses been in use?

YOW Canada's TDG 'Clear Language' courses have been in use since August 15, 2002; when the new TDG regulations came into effect.

Questions About YOW Canada

What does the "YOW" in YOW Canada stand for?

YOW Canada's offices are located in Ottawa, Ontario and Y-O-W are the international call letters for the Ottawa Airport. Plus, we think it's a catchy name that's easy to remember.

For more information about our company please visit the Contact Us page.

Back To TDG Course Outline

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Provincial Regulation Contacts

Course Outline:

  • Introduction & Legislation
    • History of the TDG Act
    • The TDG Regulations
    • Transport Canada’s Safety Checklist
    • TDG Regulations Parts and Schedules
    • TDG Training
    • Employer Responsibilities
    • TDG Training Certificates
    • Untrained Employees
    • Inspections
    • Fines and Penalties
    • TDG Roles and Responsibilities
    • Air and Ocean Requirements
  • Classification
    • Purpose of Classification
    • TDG Classification System
    • Class Descriptions
    • Divisions within Classes
    • Subsidiary Class
    • Packing Groups
    • Classes of Dangerous Goods
    • Finding the Classification of a Dangerous Good
    • TDG Regulations – Schedules
    • Shipping Names
    • Who Determines the Class?
    • Test Methods
  • Means of Containment
    • Small Means of Containment
    • Large Means of Containment
    • UN Packaging Code
    • Special Means of Containment for Classes
  • Dangerous Goods Safety Marks
    • Safety Mark Descriptions
    • Safety Mark – Colours, Backgrounds & Symbols
    • Danger Placard
    • Marine Pollutant Safety Mark
    • Elevated Temperature Placard
    • Fumigation Placard
    • Limited Quantities Label
    • The Orange Panel
    • Safety Marks When and Which Ones?
    • Labels on Small MoC
    • Subsidiary Class Labels
    • Labels on Small MoC – Variations
    • Large MoC – When to Display Placards
    • Large MoC – Displaying Placards
    • Large MoC – Mixed Loads with No ERAP
    • Large MoC – Mixed Loads with an ERAP
    • Large MoC – The Danger Placard
    • Placarding Exceptions
    • When to Display the UN Number
    • Large MoC – Subsidiary Class
    • Large MoC – Placard Location
    • Placard Location – Compartments
  • Ensuring Safety of DGs in Transport
    • Emergency Response Assistance Plan
    • ERAP Application, Renewal and Revision
    • ERAP Approval
    • Permit for Equivalent Level of Safety
    • Protective Directions
    • Detention of Dangerous Goods
    • Direction to Remedy Non-Compliance
    • Direction Not to Import or to Return to Place of Origin
    • Appealing Protective Directions
  • Documentation
    • Shipper Responsibilities
    • Driver Responsibilities
    • The Shipping Document
    • The 24 Hour Number
    • Special Cases
    • Shipping Document – ERAP
    • Shipping Document – Marine Transport
  • Shipping Dangerous Goods
    • The Shipping Document
    • Record Keeping
    • Placards and Labels
    • Consistency of Safety Marks
    • Shipping Considerations – to the USA
    • Shipping Considerations – from the USA
    • Shipping Considerations - ICAO & IMDG
  • Accidental Release of DGs
    • Accidental Release – Definition
    • When to Report an Accidental Release
    • Reporting
    • Reporting to CANUTEC
    • The Immediate Report – Public Security
    • Imminent Accidental Release
    • The Immediate Report
    • The Immediate Report – 30 Day Follow-Up
  • Exemptions & TDG Overview
    • 150 kg Gross Mass Exemption
    • 500 kg Gross Mass Exemption
    • Class 2, Gases, in Small MoC Exemption
    • Limited Quantities Exemption
    • Diesel Fuel or Gasoline Exemption
    • PELS
    • TDG Overview
    • The Safety Checklist
  • Interactive exercises, tests & certificate

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