

Privacy Policy

This information applies to persons who visit our website, use the website to contact YOW Canada for additional information, or purchase training courses or products online.

Our commitment to your privacy

The protection of your privacy and security while using YOW Canada’s website is very important to us. YOW Canada is legally bound to ensure that the information you provide to us is fully protected as required under the Canadian Privacy Act.

Visiting the website

When you visit our website, you reveal no personal information. However, in order to improve our online services, we routinely record a limited amount of anonymous information about users’ visits to help us pinpoint the most popular areas of our website; and ascertain the types of browsers and operating systems being used to access our website so that we can ensure that the website meets these browsers’ specifications.

If you contact YOW Canada by e-mail, the personal and contact information you provide is used only for responding to your request. YOW Canada does not sell or use your contact information for any other purpose.

Ordering training courses and products online from YOW Canada

You can order products and services via our website. When you do this, you are required to provide contact information, such as your name, address, email address and financial information such as a credit card number.

We use the information you supply only to support your client relationship with us. In other words, we use it for invoicing you, forwarding receipts and course access information or informing you about new products. If you do not wish to be contacted for promotional, new product or discount purposes, please write to us at

All online orders and payments made via YOW Canada’s website are processed through a highly secure SSL connection. This high-level security protocol protects confidentiality and security of data while it is being transmitted through the Internet. When SSL technology is used for transactions, the URL reads “HTTPS” – the “S” indicating a secure connection.

YOW Canada stores your information in a highly secure environment and guarantees that all steps have been taken to keep all client information confidential and protected. YOW Canada will not sell, distribute, trade or transfer client information to government departments, businesses, institutions, organizations or individuals outside YOW Canada for commercial or any other purposes, unless required by law.

YOW Canada's e-commerce partner

YOW Canada processes all credit card purchases through PSiGate, an e-commerce provider. PSiGate uses encryption technology to ensure that your credit card payment is processed in a secure environment.

Does YOW Canada use cookies?

YOW Canada’s website does not generally use persistent cookies, but may do so if a particular application requires them. In such cases, users will be clearly informed that persistent cookies have been enabled. Persistent cookies are stored for a length of time on your hard drive but do not divulge any personal information.

YOW Canada’s website may use session cookies to allow it to respond to your database queries or to monitor website traffic, for example. Session cookies are temporary and are erased when you close your browser.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites are provided solely for the convenience of YOW Canada’s website users. However, YOW Canada is not responsible for the information found through these links. When you click on these links, a new browser window will open to the chosen website.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy statement, or wish to update or obtain a copy of your contact information, or prefer to be removed from our client list, please view our Contact Us page.

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